IoBNT sociotechnical systems modeling
The Internet of bionanothings (IoBNT) is the new topic that has evolved over the last five years in connection with the success of molecular communication: hybrid nanoantennes, terahertz nanoelectronics, nanoscale barcodes, nanomicrointerfaces, methods of storing and transmitting information at the molecular level. Features of such a self-organizing and in the future- self-developing systems with intrabodily location require non-standard approaches to modeling and standardization in the earliest stages of development. In terms of methodology, it is planned to develop a model of molecular systems communication with external algorithms, software complexes and knowledge bases, using, among other things, deep machine learning. It is critical that in these external software complexes of molecular evolution, restrictive components connected with the security of man and society have to be built-in.
V.Chekletsov, D.-N.Le
IoBNT sociotechnical systems modeling

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